Saturday, 15 March 2014


'' There was a very famous restaurant and the owner of the restaurant had instructed the waiter to give an equal hospitality to each and every customer that came by. One day the waiter saw a poor beggar helpless and hungry. So, out of pity the waiter fed the beggar. The beggar was overwhelmed by the compassion shown by the waiter and was indebted to the waiter. The beggar never forgot the waiter, but the irony of the situation was that it hardly made any difference to the waiter because for him the beggar was one the regular person he'd met in his everyday life,he had stopped to help the beggar out of pity... I guess life is like that;
'' sometimes we find ourselves in the shoes of the waiter and sometimes in the shoes of the beggar.'' The thing is just that it sometimes rips our soul when we have to play the role of the beggar. But now i know that's called life and it's full of experiences 

This wonderful philosophical view was shared by one of my friend, over a cup of tea 

PS: A thought on Sunday

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